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Course Reserves

Finding and Checking out Reserves

  • Find reserves using the Course Reserves search tool.
  • Search for the instructor’s name or the course abbreviation (e.g., CS 4234 or EDCI 5724).
  • Select up to three items to check out at one time.
  • Write down the call number, located in the sixth column of the search results, and bring it to the Newman Services Desk.

Reserves include instructor-requested materials and library-owned copies of textbooks for current Virginia Tech classes. Reserves are held at the Newman Services Desk. 

We encourage instructors to make use of online textbooks and resources whenever possible. Your library liaison can help investigate online access to the texts you want to assign and suggest alternatives.

Physical Course Reserves

Use our Reserve Item form to submit a request to place an item on Course Reserve. For personally owned items we ask that you submit the Reserve Item form then deliver the items you wish to place on reserve to the library in an envelope marked "ATTN: Course Reserves." You can deliver the envelope to us via Campus Mail, at any library book return bin, or in person at the Newman Services Desk.

Finding Digital Resources and Alternatives

If a digital alternative to your desired text is unavailable and the reading you wish to assign is brief, you can also submit a request for a single chapter of a text to be scanned. One chapter per textbook can be requested as a PDF to distribute via Canvas to your students.

Use Persistent Links to Share Electronic Resources

Electronic resources cannot be placed on course reserve. You can, however, add them to a Canvas page using persistent links to their Discovery Search records. Please use the following instructions to find persistent links to items in the library's electronic collection.

Contact Us

> 540-231-6340
