
Born digital research and scholarly materials are becoming the norm on college and university campuses and increasingly research libraries are taking on the responsibility for preserving and providing access to this content. With a long history of collecting, organizing, managing, preserving, and providing access to materials of enduring value, libraries are well-positioned to grow into new e-research roles that leverage and build upon our core strengths in cataloging (metadata), reference (research/domain expertise), preservation (digital curation), collection development (repositories), and
access/license negotiations (copyright/information policy) to build digital datasets and scholarship and render them discoverable and reusable.
Computer Vision
- Librarian-in-the-loop Deep Learning for Very Large Biomedical Image Segmentation
- Machine Learning and Citizen Scientists in Quantifying Scanning Electron Microscopy Images
- Data-centric MLOps for Image Segmentation in Cell Organelles, University Libraries Collaborative Research Grant
Natural Language Processing
Large Language Model
- Leveraging Large Language Models to Understand the Financial Behavior of Women and Minority Groups
Digital Library
Selected Publications and Presentations
- Eman Abdelrahman and Edward A. Fox. 2022. Improving Accessibility to Arabic ETDs Using Automatic Classification. In Linking Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries - 26th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, TPDL 2022, Padua, Italy, September 20-23, 2022, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 13541). Springer, 230–242.
- Aman Ahuja, Kevin Dinh, Brian Dinh, William A. Ingram, and Edward A. Fox. 2023. A New Annotation Method and Dataset for Layout Analysis of Long Documents. In WWW ’23 Companion: Companion Proceedings of the Web Conference 2023, Austin, TX, USA, April 30, 2023 - May 4, 2023. ACM, 834–842.
- Aman Ahuja, William A. Ingram, Chenyu Mao, Chongyu He, Jianchi Wei, and Edward A. Fox. 2022. Analyzing and Navigating ETDs Using Topic Models. In 25th International Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD 2022), Novi Sad, Serbia, September 7–9, 2022.
- Yuqi Jin, Xinyue Wang, Edward A. Fox, Zhiwu Xie, Arup Neogi, Rajiv S. Mishra, Tianhao Wang. “Numerically Trained Ultrasound AI for Monitoring Tool Degradation”, Advanced Intelligent Systems, 2022. DOI: 10.1002/aisy.202100215
- Bipasha Banerjee. 2022. Opening Scholarly Documents Through Text Analytics. In JCDL ’22: Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries in 2022, Cologne, Germany, June 20–24, 2022. ACM, 47.
- Bipasha Banerjee, William A. Ingram, Jian Wu, and Edward A. Fox. 2022. Applications of Data Analysis on Scholarly Long Documents. In IEEE International Conference on Big Data, Big Data 2022, Osaka, Japan, December 17-20, 2022. IEEE, 2473–2481.
- Bipasha Banerjee, William A. Ingram, Jian Wu, and Edward A. Fox. 2021. Applications of Mining ETDs. In 24th International Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD 2021), United Arab Emirates, November 15–17, 2021.
- Bipasha Banerjee, William A. Ingram, and Edward A. Fox. 2021. Extracting Information from Electronic Thesis and Dissertations. In Proceedings of the ACM Capital Region Celebration of Women in Computing (CAPWIC 2021), Virtual.
- Satvik Chekuri, Prashant Chandrasekar, Bipasha Banerjee, Sung Hee Park, Nila Masrourisaadat, Aman Ahuja, William A. Ingram, and Edward A. Fox. 2023. Integrated Digital Library System for Long Documents and their Elements. In JCDL ’23: Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries in 2023, Santa Fe, NM, USA, June 26-30, 2023. IEEE, 13–24. Nominated for Best Student Paper.
- Muntabir Hasan Choudhury, Himarsha R. Jayanetti, Jian Wu, William A. Ingram, and Edward A. Fox. 2021. Automatic Metadata Extraction Incorporating Visual Features from Scanned Electronic Theses and Dissertations. In JCDL ’21: Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries in 2021, Champaign, IL, USA, September 27–30, 2021. IEEE, 230–233.
- Muntabir Hasan Choudhury, Lamia Salsabil, Himarsha R. Jayanetti, Jian Wu, William A. Ingram, and Edward A. Fox. 2023. MetaEnhance: Metadata Quality Improvement for Electronic Theses and Dissertations of University Libraries. In JCDL ’23: Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries in 2023, Santa Fe, NM, USA, June 26-30, 2023. IEEE, 61–65. Winner of Best Short Paper.
- Muntabir Hasan Choudhury, Jian Wu, William A. Ingram, and Edward A. Fox. 2020. A Heuristic Baseline Method for Metadata Extraction from Scanned Electronic Theses and Dissertations. In JCDL ’20: Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries in 2020, Virtual Event, China, August 1–5, 2020. ACM, 515–516. Honorable Mention for Best Poster/Demo.
- Muntabir Hasan Choudhury, Lamia Salsabil, William A. Ingram, Edward A. Fox, and Jian Wu. 2023. ETDPC: A Multimodality Framework for Classifying Pages in Electronic Theses and Dissertations. In Proceedings of the Thirty-Sixth Annual Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence, February 20–27, 2024, Vancouver, Canada. Accepted.
- Edward A. Fox. 2020. How Should One Explore the Digital Library of the Future? In JCDL ’20: Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries in 2020, Virtual Event, China, August 1–5, 2020. ACM, 1–2.
- Edward A. Fox and William A. Ingram. 2020. Introduction to Digital Libraries. In JCDL ’20: Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries in 2020, Virtual Event, China, August 1–5, 2020. ACM, 567–568.
- William A. Ingram. 2019. Bringing Computational Access to Book-length Documents Via an ETD Pilot. In CNI: Coalition for Networked Information Fall 2019 Membership Meeting, Washington, DC.
- William A. Ingram. 2020. Mining ETDs for Trends in Graduate Research. In CNI: Coalition for Networked Information Fall 2020 Membership Meeting, Virtual.
- William A. Ingram, Bipasha Banerjee, and Edward A. Fox. 2019. Summarizing ETDs with Deep Learning. In 22nd International Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD 2019), Porto, Portugal, November 6–8, 2019. Published in Cadernos de Biblioteconomia, Arquivística e Documentação 1 (March 2020), 46–52.
- William A. Ingram and Edward A. Fox. 2020. Preparing Code and Data for Computational Reproducibility. In JCDL ’20: Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries in 2020, Virtual Event, China, August 1–5, 2020. ACM, 565–566.
- William A. Ingram, Jian Wu, and Edward A. Fox. 2022. Electronic Theses and Dissertations: A Research Corpus of Scholarly Big Data. GreyNet International (Twenty-Fourth International Conference on Grey Literature).
- William A. Ingram, Jian Wu, and Edward A. Fox. 2023. Maximizing Equitable Reach and Accessibility of ETDs. In JCDL ’23: Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries in 2023, Santa Fe, NM, USA, June 26-30, 2023. IEEE, 256–257.
- Sampanna Yashwant Kahu, William A. Ingram, Edward A. Fox, and Jian Wu. 2021. ScanBank: A Benchmark Dataset for Figure Extraction from Scanned Electronic Theses and Dissertations. In JCDL ’21: Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries in 2021, Champaign, IL, USA, September 27–30, 2021. IEEE, 180–191.
- Sung Hee Park, Bipasha Banergee, William A. Ingram, and Edward A. Fox. 2023. Case Study of Analyzing the Variety of ETD Layouts. In 26th International Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD 2023), Gandhinagar, India, October 26–28, 2023. In press.
- Lamia Salsabil, Jian Wu, Muntabir Hasan Choudhury, William A. Ingram, Edward A. Fox, Sarah Michele Rajtmajer, and C. Lee Giles. 2022. A Study of Computational Reproducibility using URLs Linking to Open Access Datasets and Software. In WWW ’22 Companion: Companion Proceedings of the Web Conference 2022, Virtual Event/Lyon, France, April 25–29, 2022. ACM, 784–788.
- Sami Uddin, Bipasha Banerjee, Jian Wu, William A. Ingram, and Edward A. Fox. 2021. Building A Large Collection of Multi-domain Electronic Theses and Dissertations. In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), Orlando, FL, USA, December 15–18, 2021. IEEE, 6043–6045.
- Eman Abdelrahman, Fatimah Alotaibi, Edward Fox, and Osman Balci. 2021. Otrouha: A Corpus of Arabic ETDs and a Framework for Automatic Subject Classification. The Journal of Electronic Theses and Dissertations 1, 1 (March 2021).
- Aman Ahuja, Chenyu Mao, William Ingram, and Edward A. Fox. 2023. Analyzing and Navigating ETDs Using Topic Models. The Journal of Electronic Theses and Dissertations (2023). In press.
- Prashant Chandrasekar and Edward A. Fox. 2022. Teaching the Design and Development of a Modern Information Retrieval (IR) System. Journal of Computer Science in Colleges 38, 5 (November 2022), 65–74.
- Edward Fox. 2021. Building and Using Digital Libraries for ETDs. The Journal of Electronic Theses and Dissertations 1, 1 (March 2021).
- Edward A. Fox and Prashant Chandrasekar. 2021. How Should One Explore the Digital Library of the Future? Data and Information Management 5, 4 (2021), 349–362.
- William A. Ingram, Sampanna Yashwant Kahu, Jian Wu, Javaid Akbar Manzoor, Bipasha Banerjee, Aman Ahuja, Muntabir Hasan Choudhury, Lamia Salsabil, Winston Shields, and Edward A. Fox. 2022. Opening ETDs: Analysis, Datasets, Models, and Their Use. International Journal on Digital Libraries (2022). Manuscript under review.
- Liuqing Li, Jack H. Geissinger, William A. Ingram, and Edward A. Fox. 2020. Teaching Natural Language Processing through Big Data Text Summarization with Problem-Based Learning. Data and Information Management 4, 1 (2020), 18–43.