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Funded projects:

  1. Daniel G. S. Capelluto (Biological Sciences) and Jonathan Briganti (Library). Elucidating the molecular mechanism of bacterial-mediated hijacking of host protein turnover. $10,000.00, Mid-May 2022 - Mid-May 2023

  2. Meaghan Dee (Visual Arts) and Todd Ogle (Library). Developing an Adaptable Augmented Reality App System for Virginia Tech Publications and Posters. $5,000.00, Mid-May 2022 - Mid-May 2023

  3. Kang Xia (Plant and Environmental Sciences) and Anne Brown (Library). DS4ES: Implementing and Assessing the Introduction of Data Science Fundamentals in Environmental Sciences Courses. $5,000.00, Mid-May 2022 - Mid-May 2023

  4. Dina Smith-Glaviana (Apparel, Housing, and Resource Management), Chreston Miller (Library), and Wen Nie Ng (Library). Comparative Study and Expansion of Metadata Standards for Historic Costume Collections. $10,000.00, Mid-May 2022 - Mid-May 2023

  5. Ariel I. Ahram (SPIA) and Connie Stovall (Library). Mapping Area Studies Centers Research Productivity in the United States. $10,000.00, Mid-May 2022 - Mid-May 2023

  6. Eric Kaufman (Agricultural, Leadership, and Community Education) and Anne Brown (Library). Mapping the Landscape of CyberBioSecurity Education. $5,000.00, Mid-may 2022 - Late Dec 2022

  7. LaDale Winling (History), Jonathan Petters (Library), and Kara Long (Library). Chicago Covenants Data Project. $10,000.00, Mid-May 2022 - Mid-May 2023

  8. Mark A. Williams (Plant and Environmental Sciences), Inga Haugen (Library), Brianna Posadas (Plant and Environmental Sciences), and Curtis R. Friedel (Agricultural and Leadership Education). Stories of farming: The good, the bad, and the ain’t so pretty, Discovering the thoughts, and experiences of farmers during the late 20th and early 21st centuries. $5,000.00, Mid-May 2022 - Mid-May 2023

  9. Yinlin Chen (Library) and Hasan Seyyedhasani (Plant and Environmental Sciences). Data-centric MLOps for Image Segmentation in Cell Organelles. $5,000.00, Mid-may 2022 - Late Dec 2022

  10. Craig Arthur (Library), Tyechia Thompson (English), Freddy Paige (Civil & Environmental Engineering), and Jasmine Weiss (Library). The VTDITC Sankofa Tape. $5,000.00, Mid-may 2022 - Late Dec 2022

  11. George Brooks (Fish and Wildlife Conservation), Jonathan Petters (Library), and Kira A. Dietz (Library). Wetland loss along the Blue Ridge Parkway. $10,000.00, Mid-May 2022 - Mid-May 2023

  12. Monty Abbas (Civil Engineering) and Rachel Miles(Library). Development of Equity-based Transportation Metrics through Community Engagement. $5,000.00, Mid-May 2022 - Mid-May 2023

  13. Rodrigo Sarlo (Civil and Environmental Engineering) and Yinlin Chen (Library). Data-Centric Approach to Digital Twins of the Built Environment. $10,000.00, Mid-May 2022 - Mid-May 2023

  14. Ann Steensland (CALS Global), Jessica Agnew (CALS Global), and Rachel Miles (Library). Improving data-driven projections of global agricultural productivity growth to identify priority policy decisions in agriculture. $10,000.00, Mid-May 2022 - Mid-May 2023

  15. Jonas Haupman (Industrial Design), Creed Jones (Electrical & Computer Engineering), and Max Ofsa (Library). Democratizing 3D Scanning for Digital Fabrication of Bamboo. $5,000.00, Mid-May 2022 - Mid-May 2023

  16. Michelle Rhoads (Animal and Poultry Sciences), Kyrille DeBose (Library), Alex White (Dairy Science), and Robert Rhoads (Animal and Poultry Sciences). Economic Analyses of the Impacts of Seasonal Heat Stress on Dairy Production. $5,000.00, Mid-May 2022 - Mid-May 2023.

  17. Thomas Pingel (Geography, Todd Ogle (Library), and Max Ofsa (Library). Virtual Reality Point Cloud Classification with Applications to 3D Printed Multi-Modal Interaction Models. $10,000.00, Mid-May 2022 - Mid-May 2023

  18. Elizabeth McLain (Performing Arts), Kayla B. McNabb (Library), and Alice Rogers (Library). Disability Community Building with Cognitively Accessible Tools for Tabletop Roleplaying Games. $5,000.00, Mid-may 2022 - Late Dec 2022

  19. Joe Forte (Library) and Sylvester Johnson(Center for Humanities). Livestream Video Production as a Platform for Communicating Humanities Scholarship and Research in a Popular and Accessible Format. $5,000.00, Mid-may 2022 - Late Dec 2022

  20. Hasan Seyyedhasani (Plant and Environmental Sciences) and Jonathan Bradley (Library). A Robust Remote Vision System for Farmworkers Collaboration with Robots, $5,000.00

  21. Derek Shapiro (Performing Arts) and Anita Walz (Library). The Study of Conducting: A Contemporary Approach. $10,000.00, Mid-May 2022 - Mid-May 2023

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We have received 21 proposals requesting $200,000. During the scope review, program co-directors determined that all proposals were within the scope of the program therefore were eligible. With the generous support from Dean Tyler Walters, program co-directors decided to increase the total funding of this round from $75,000 to $150,000 and use the lottery to determine the funding level of each proposal. All eligible proposals are assigned a number from 2 to 22, we then use to generate a random sequence, out of which all projects requesting $5,000 were to be honored. For the rest, the first 9 projects requesting $10,000 were to be honored, and the remainders were to be offered $5,000 funding with the option to reduce the performance period to between Mid-May to the end of Dec 2022. The generation of the random sequence was conducted during a project co-directors Zoom meeting on May 9, 2022. At the meeting, co-director Xie continuously clicked on the “Again” button to regenerate random sequences, until co-direct Eska called “Stop” with her eyes blocked. The end result is shown on the above screenshot. Project co-directors then reached out to all project co-PIs requesting their confirmation to accept the funding offers. On May 13, 2023, all offers were accepted,. All projects offered with reduced funding have also submitted modified proposal narratives and budgets.